WhatsThis in KDE 4: coder wanted!

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at chch.ox.ac.uk
Tue Apr 4 19:22:10 BST 2006

> keeps these quite separate. We'd like to connect them. There are also some
> problems with the existing whatsthis implementation, which generally stem
> from the fact that whatsthis bubbles aren't honest-to-goodness windows. We
> suggest promoting them

Sorry this bit isn't very clear. What I meant was: currently, whatsthis
bubbles aren't real windows, but disappear when the user clicks anywhere.
This means that you can't do things like click on URLs in whatsthis
bubbles, or move the whatsthis bubble so that you can interact with the
application while following instructions in the whatsthis bubbles. We
propose to make whatsthis bubbles into real windows, to solve these
problems. See the full PDF for more details.

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