WhatsThis in KDE 4: coder wanted!

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Wed Apr 5 01:15:30 BST 2006

On Tuesday 04 April 2006 19:06, Philip Rodrigues wrote:
> Hi,
> As you may know, Ellen and Olaf, in conjunction with others from the HCI 
> working group, have produced a detailed draft of suggested changes to 
> whatsthis help for KDE 4 [1, executive summary below]. The draft was 
> submitted to Qt for their opinion, but they don't expect to be able to 
> consider implementing in time for KDE 4. Therefore, we think it would be 
> appropriate to implement the changes at the KDE libraries level. For this, we 
> need someone who can code :-). The specification is fairly detailed, so 
> hopefully this will make implementation eas(y|ier). Without being a coder, I 
> can't say for certain what skills would be required, although I imagine that 
> some familiarity with Qt and perhaps kwin would be useful.
> Although we're asking for your help, we'd be willing to do as much as we can, 
> and work closely to identify and solve any issues that come up. I think that 
> we can also be quite flexible with how we proceed - if you're only able to do 
> a design for the implementation, for example, that would be fine.
> Cheers,
> Philip
> 1. http://www.userbrain.de/whatsthis/ideas_whatsthis_january06_v1.1.pdf

The newest version of this proposal is here:



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