SVN timing - how can we help?

Michael Buesch mbuesch at
Wed Mar 23 13:09:26 GMT 2005

Quoting Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annemarie.mahfouf at>:
> Hi,
> There are the kdenonbeta moves to kdeplaygrounds modules to set up. 
> I plan to sort out the edu applications in kdenonbeta and to propose the 
> destinations on this list. Suggestion: can we maybe have a doc on that so we 
> could be several people contacting all the authors and we'll have a global 
> view on the future kdeplaygrounds?
> Another question: in kdeedu we have some applications that still use the old 
> tree model: appname/appname and not appname/src. Would it be wise to change 

No, I would say we should change it in svn.
svn supports moves, cvs does not.

> that now? And is there a policy about pics/ icons/ data/ subdirs i.e. should 
> they be in appname/src or in appname/?
> Or would all that mess things for you?
> Are there any things we could do (especially module coordinators when they 
> exist) to help you in the move? 
> Anne-Marie

Regards Michael Buesch  [ ]

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