[kde-artists] Re: move crystal icons to hicolour (moving to kde-artists)

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Fri Jun 3 09:17:48 BST 2005

For developers without any graphical knowledge, this is a really difficult to 
I saw Jonathan commits in kdeedu and now nobody seems to know what is going 
I am told that some crystal icons in kdeedu are not crystal, people don't seem 
to agree, each time I ask I get a different answer.

I would like to know:
- what icons are correct as crystal for the KDE-Edu apps (including the K Menu 
ones) and those which are not (in order to ask the icon marathon to fx the 
bad ones)
- how do we name the icons now?

James, I am sure you are trying to help but I don't understand your mails. 
Please remember that 1) English is not my main language 2) I am not an artist 
or icon guru. If you were kind enough to make a list (for kdeedu and maybe 
other modules) that would say: 
KLettres: no crystal 
hicolor: correct
(that's an example)
then I would be highly delighted and we could start to fix all that with the 
artist team.

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