[Kde-cvs-announce] KDE 3.5 branched / KDE 4 development in trunk/KDE

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Tue Jul 26 22:18:43 BST 2005

On Tuesday 26 July 2005 21:40, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> KDE 3.5 is no longer developed in /trunk, but in /branches/KDE/3.5,
> KDE 4 development will start soon in /trunk (and move out of work/kde4).

Is it just me or does branching before we even have a 3.5 release schedule 
seem a bit odd?

There were quite a few potential problems with this discussed here over the 
past few months -- I don't so much care to reopen those discussions, but as 
you seem to be pushing in a definite direction it'd be nice if you'd share 
what that direction is with the rest of us.  ;-)


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