Spell Checking in KDE4 (KSpell2)

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Sun Apr 24 17:03:20 BST 2005

On Sunday 24 April 2005 03:35, heiko.evermann at gmx.de wrote:
> I have had a short look at Enchant. It seems to say that it can be
> used as a front end for several engines. Does that mean that we would
> only have KSpell for Enchant and Enchant does the rest? 

No, it means we wouldn't have kspell. Enchant would replace KSpell.

> One other thing: compile dependencies: KSpell2 seems to have problems
> that KSpell does not have. Could you give some more details?

I'm sorry but I don't understand the question. Details on what?


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