LDAP server free for use ;)

Mickael Marchand marchand at kde.org
Sat Apr 23 18:25:14 BST 2005

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Martin Konold a écrit :
> Am Donnerstag, 21. April 2005 22:19 schrieb Mickael Marchand:

> Hi Mickael,
>>the directory already contains Kolab2 and Mozilla LDAP schemas (though
>>mozilla's one is still under development, rumours are saying that full
>>support might be in thunderbird 1.1 ...).
> I am very interested in how to integrate Mozilla LDAP schemata in Kolab 2.
actually mozilla took the easy road, they just added their objectclass
prefixing all attributes with 'mozilla' (mozillaNickname etc ...)
I plan to patch my thunderbird to test these features sometime soon ;)
I guess kolab stuff would need to copy their attributes in the mozilla
one (should not be too hard) but to make a mozilla speak to a kolab
server it might be more complicated (missing some attributes maybe ?)
afaict, moz folks plan to make the LDAP stuff customisable (like
kaddressbook) so it may help ...

> What about Samba Schema?
no problem, just added the samba3 one.
(not inserted in users account yet, but people can add it freely)

>>informations (name and email basically), it's up to you to add more
>>information when you get the account opened if you want it (phone
>>numbers, company ...) ;)
> What about using the Kolab 2 web admin GUI for maintaining the personal data?
I am looking at it, it does not seem really easy to install it from
scratch ...
the configure stuff in the webadmin-4.0 tarball does not seem to help
much, and there is no doc at all :/
pointers welcome ;)


>>any comments and ideas to improve/extend this service are welcome,
> Regards,
> -- martin

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