Website migration to SVN

Olaf Schmidt ojschmidt at
Wed Apr 6 11:31:56 BST 2005

[Dirk Mueller, Montag, 4. April 2005 14:35]
> The external website mirrors shouldn't notice, as they're supposed
> to rsync the website from (which is maintained by me)
> instead of checking it out from CVS on their own (which is
> unfortunately documented still in the web howto, and I think people
> still tell sysadmins that this would be the preferred way).

OK, I fixed this in the HOWTO.

A svn->cvs script will keep the mirrors that still use CVS working, but we 
should ask them to switch to rsync by sending a mail to the kde-mirrors 
mailing list.

BTW, Does anyone know to which date the SVN migration has been postponed?


KDE Accessibility Project
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