Some kicker applet issues

Dan Bullok dan.kde at
Fri Oct 22 18:36:22 BST 2004

On Friday 22 October 2004 03:19, Andras Mantia spake unto us thusly:
> As a second issue on kicker, now I cannot resize the panel that way
> that the quicklauncher has only one row of icons (and the panel is
> still wide enough, around 43 pixels). The icons used to be bigger with
> this config and they were aligned in one row only. Since my last
> update, this is not the case anymore. Can I get back my larger
> quicklauncher icons in one row, please? ;-)
There's a menu option to set the icon size in quicklauncher (Quick Launcher 
Menu->Set Icon Size.  Have you tried it?  By default, it's set to Auto, but 
you can set the size in increments of 4 pixels.  You should be able to set 
the size large enough to get what you want.  Also, if you uncheck the 
"Conserve Space" option, the icons will expand to fill the available space.

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