Can DCOP/DBUS do publish/subscribe for events?

Michael Pyne pynm0001 at
Sat Oct 9 21:16:39 BST 2004

On Saturday 09 October 2004 12:59 pm, Juergen Pfennig wrote:
> Hello,
> I just wrote some Multi-Media-Center stuff (zapdvb) and found that I would
> like if all players would listen to some event like "stopPlaying" that
> would be issued by any other player when it starts playing.

This exists in DCOP, the feature is called DCOP signals.  They work very 
similarly to how signals and slots work in Qt.  I believe DBUS has a feature 
like that as well.

I don't know of any players that implement those signals, but at least it's 
not a technical problem.

 - Michael Pyne
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