Moving to SubVersion

Tobias Koenig tokoe at
Fri Oct 8 22:38:42 BST 2004

On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 04:42:01PM -0400, Jason Voegele wrote:
> Tobias Koenig said:
Hi Jason,

> > 1) Disconnect for one hour
> > 2) Make a copy of the cvs repository
> > 3) Run csv2svn over the copy
> Having used the cvs2svn script, I can tell you that it will take much
> longer than one hour to complete the conversion of KDE's CVS repository
> over to Subversion.  I'd suspect you're talking on the order of *days*
> rather than hours.
I didn't say anything about time, 2 or 3 days would be ok.

What exactly took so long during the convertion? Can you give any
hints what can go wrong and how it can be prevented?
What version of the script you used?

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