kdepim release (Was: Re: [Kde-pim] KDE 3.3 Release Plan is up)

Bo Thorsen bo at sonofthor.dk
Mon May 10 13:33:00 BST 2004

On Monday 10 May 2004 13:00, Erik K. Pedersen wrote:
> Mandag 10 maj 2004 04:52 skrev Bo Thorsen:
> > - The i18n release is so far an unsolved problem. I have absolutely
> > no clue how to get this solved for 3.3 :-(
> At work we use kde, and they have a lot of language packages installed,
> but they don't have the language packages for koffice installed, so I
> think this way of dividing up i18n is really bad. I think the only way
> to solve this problem is to release all kde's i18n every time there is
> a relatively large release. So with the release of kdepim 3.3 the i18n
> should be tarballs consisting of kdepim from HEAD and the rest from
> BRANCH. I would actually like the same thing done for koffice.

That would make it impossible to change strings.

1) kde 3.2 is released with some string "foo"
2) koffice 1.3 is released
3) kde 3.3 is released, "foo" is replaced with "bar"
4) koffice 1.3.1 is released

Now there is no way someone could upgrade koffice without upgrading to kde 
3.3 also, just because of string changes. Doesn't work, I'm afraid :-(

If a package is released separately, it needs it's own i18n module.

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