open tasks, jobs, unmaintained stuff, etc.

Zack Rusin zack at
Fri Mar 5 21:20:47 GMT 2004

On Friday 05 March 2004 16:12, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > 1) No you don't have to type false or true. You check a checkbox,
> > that's why we need kcfg files to make sure we know what types these
> > things should be.
> Eh? I've just cvs upped, compiled and _tried_ the damn thing out. No
> checkboxes. Just text fields.

How many times do I have to write that we need kcfg files for that? That 
was the reason I wrote the original email. Check entries for 
applications which already have kcfg files installed. I mean come on, I 
wrote the damn thing I think I know how it works.

> > 2) "Long list of options" should be a combobox.
> So? It wasn't.

Which kconfigeditor were you using? The one I'm working on is in 
kdenonbeta. With hard emphasis on "nonbeta".

> > 4) The idea is that "your kids" should never have to use
> > kconfigeditor so your point is completely moot.
> No, it isn't. You, and Aaron, propose to remove options my _kids_ use
> from KControl. So, if my _kids_ who are _eight_ years old want to
> have the _same_ power over their desktop they they have now in the
> future, they will have to use KConfEdit. So the point isn't _moot_,
> it's bloody relevant.

Where the hell did you get that from? I haven't proposed to remove any 
freaking options. Stop putting things in my mouth that are convient for 
your discussion. I want to have people actually using kcfg, that's all.


life is what happens during long compiles.

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