Suggestion: Make "WhatsThis" 100% complete for next release

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at
Sun Feb 15 15:04:39 GMT 2004

Ingo Klöcker wrote:

> Adding WhatsThis is a 
> pretty trivial task once one has come up with a nice text 

Which can take a *lot* of time once you strive to get it complete.

> and it's 
> definitely a task for people who want to help, but can't really code.

I agree. I've experienced it first-hand by following Aaron's tutorial.
But it still isn't too trivial....

> I promise to add any WhatsThis help texts that are written for parts of 
> KMail's GUI to KMail. 

What about creating "empty" WhatsThis-s, containing just a place-holder
string (making it easy for non-coders to find the mapping spot in the
source code), like "WHATSTHIS for 'Sort-Button' still missing..." ?

This could make it even easier for people in the Quality Teams or other
volunteers to use CVS, replace the place-holder, compile the code, test
it and submit patches it to the maintainers....

> Just send them to kmail-devel at
> Regards,
> Ingo


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