c++ based makekdewidgets

Ian Reinhart Geiser geiseri at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 3 19:05:51 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 03 February 2004 12:52 pm, Daniel Molkentin wrote:
> >       * Behaves like a standard KDE command line app with help and all
> >       the good things a cli app should have.
> I think it might be a Good Thing (tm) to have it as a Qt application that
> can be used outside KDE. It could have a "generate KDE code" option.
> Another reason would be that it would be possible this way to use it in
> kdepim, which may not require more recent kdelibs, and therefore could not
> profit from it otherwise. Same goes for KOffice and possibly other stuff.
I did some digging I can move this program to compile in the needed cpp files 
to make sure it will run without KDE, similar to how QMake runs.

I also have explored an option of having the plugin code generated not bound 
to Qt.  This could then be a --qt mode so that the pixmaps are embedded 
internal to the plugin, and no kde headers are referenced.

I have become attached to the KMacroExpander and KSimpleConfig... I could live 
without the command line args and about data from the KDE libs... but damn 
guys we have really got some nice tools there ;)

Ill see how much effort it is to make a version that links only to Qt... It 
shouldn't be a complex effort, but I think its more so a question of "it is 
really needed"

	-ian reinhart geiser
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- --:Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri at yahoo.com>
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- --:Be an optimist -- at least until they start moving animals in 
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