c++ based makekdewidgets

Daniel Molkentin molkentin at kde.org
Tue Feb 3 17:52:00 GMT 2004

Hi Ian

On Tuesday 03 February 2004 06:58, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
>	* We can use this binary now to build kdewidget plugins for libs like
>	kdeedu, kdegames and koffice now in a very trivial way

Yes, that's definately a cool thing. I hope we don't need to worry about 
people using them outside the modules. It should also become clear which ones 
are supposed to be B/C then.

>	* This is C++ therefor easier for us to maintain because after all
>	most of us here know C++ ;)

That doesn't hold for what the script did before, but for the new purpose and 
with a wider set of users, I agree.

>	* Behaves like a standard KDE command line app with help and all
>	the good things a cli app should have.
I think it might be a Good Thing (tm) to have it as a Qt application that can 
be used outside KDE. It could have a "generate KDE code" option. Another 
reason would be that it would be possible this way to use it in kdepim, which 
may not require more recent kdelibs, and therefore could not profit from it 
otherwise. Same goes for KOffice and possibly other stuff.

>	* Since this is a self contained binary in kdelibs we can construct these
>	widgets on the fly, thus reducing the amount of auto generated code
>	we keep in cvs.

Another good point indeed. We only had the generated code because somebody 
decided that we should not require perl which is not valid (anymore?) as we 
learned from coolo.

>Here are the disadvantages:
>	* That script has been pretty well tested and does everything we ask it to
> do so far.  (Barring containers, and name spaced classes)
We'll have time to figure those things out until KDE 3.3. :)

>I'm biased to the C++ method since I don't since for me its easier to
> extend. While a more eloquent solution will probably come out of the
> following thread I'm interested to see what people think of this approach.

I think given the vast amount of advantages over the pure perl approach, we 
should use your C++ version instead.

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