RFC: Managing remote folders, KNetAttach sequel

Aaron Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Wed Dec 1 17:43:38 GMT 2004

On December 1, 2004 2:56, Kévin Ottens wrote:
> Le Mercredi 1 Décembre 2004 08:03, Aaron Seigo a écrit :
> > i'm certainly not the former and questionable for the latter, but:
> >
> >  http://aseigo.bddf.ca/?pID=1048
> It's interesting two steps is a good idea imho. The only problem I see is
> that you have more fields on the second page.

only two more. it's a win over having three steps.

> Hmmm... maybe it would be nice to modify the layout so that the name field
> is separated from the others?

tried it, and that makes the interface look even more heavy. tried with both a 
separator line and with some whitespace.

> And I'm wondering if and "advanced settings" button could be useful to
> reduce the number of fields in most case.

don't think its worth it. there's not so much there that it's overwhelming, 

> I'm really not a usability guru, I just throw my ideas... :-)


> > once this is settled in, perhaps krdc's interface should be changed to
> > reflect knetattach to provide a unified look 'n feel among our network
> > connection tools.
> Indeed. And I'm even wondering if krdc is so foreign that it couldn't be
> supported in knetattach directly...

i considered this as well. to the user the interfaces should be distinct, 
though, as connecting to a remote application/desktop is pretty different 
than connecting to a network folder. putting both in the same _binary_ 
however, might work so we get some UI consistency.

the interface of krdc is on my NX hitlist.

> > on the desktop, for one.
> Should we keep it in system:/ too (by default), since system:/ is on the
> desktop too.

i think so. system:/ will likely appear in other places that remote:/ won't

speaking of which, "Remote Places" isn't a great user-visible name for the 
remote:/ icon in system:/... it's vague and sounds like it will take you to 
Siberia or Canada's North West Territories ;) 

Network Folders is probably a better term, if we're going to use that in 
knetattach as well.

also, i'd suggest that the "New remote folder..." icon in remote:/ should 
always appear in the same place (e.g. first)

> Btw, which icon should we use for system:/ ? The current link use the "kfm"
> icon but it's not that nice imho. I noticed a "my_computer" icon in the
> crystalsvg theme, but it's not generated as a png. Just wondering what we
> should do about this... I'm not sure "my_computer" type icon is the best
> icon to choose, but it'll surely remind somethings to other DE users.

if we weren't already using the KDE logo for the application menu, i'd suggest 
that. =/ this is one for the artists, i think.

> > perhaps make
> > that the default $HOME for a konqi profile?
> For the filemanagement profile maybe.

i thought about that. i'm torn whether or not that will be annoying for those 
who just want to get to their files, though? =/

> > a kicker menuext may also be in
> > order.
> /me hides... ;-)

lol .. hey, i might even do this one, although you _could_ use the 
practice ;-P

Aaron J. Seigo
Society is Geometric
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