KSpell 2

Stanislav Karchebny berk at upnet.ru
Fri Apr 30 06:31:41 BST 2004

On Friday 30 April 2004 10:52, Zack Rusin wrote:

> 4) support for going back in the buffer. I wasn't sure where to put the
> "go back" (maybe "previous word" would be better) button in the dialog
> so here's something for the usability team.

My 2 usability cents - put the "<<Prev" and "Next>>" (aka "Skip>>") buttons on 
top, on both sides of the text line which represents checked text... And 
shouldn't incorrect word in that line be highlighted?

keep in touch. berkus -- http://berk.upnet.ru/

Roey on #kde-devel: when I hear best of breed I tune out--it's too much a 
buzzword. What I carry between my legs is best of breed. And like KDE, just 
because it's less visible doesn't mean it gets less usage.
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