KSpell 2

Zack Rusin zack at kde.org
Fri Apr 30 05:52:10 BST 2004


I'm done with KSpell 2 as far as its initial version goes. It's the 
fastest checker out there, period. But besides the tech wizzy thingies 
what everyone will see right away is :
1) virtually no cpu usage for spell checking,
2) "Suggest" button in the dialog which does what it's supposed to! ( 
http://www.automatix.de/~zack/kspell2_1.png )
3) changing languages on the fly (no restarting dialog or anything like 
that, in fact you can switch the dict, click suggest to have a list of 
suggestion in some other language, switch back to the previous language 
and continue checking with it)
4) support for going back in the buffer. I wasn't sure where to put the 
"go back" (maybe "previous word" would be better) button in the dialog 
so here's something for the usability team.
5) global ignore list and a new configuration dialog 
 ( http://www.automatix.de/~zack/kspell2_2.png ). i'm considering just 
removing the "skip run-together words" option and having it on by 
6) links and email addys are skipped automatically.

There's a quite a few tests in kdenonbeta/kspell but if you want to 
check it in action then compile test_configdialog, test_highlighter and 

Right now I think I'll do it this way:
- kdeui gets -> kspell_configdialog.*  kspell_configui.ui  
kspell_dialog.* kspell_highlighter.*  kspellui.ui
- new directory kdelibs/kspell2, compiled after kdecore with the core of 
kspell2 plus ispell and aspell plugins. I'd like to add myspell as 
well, but I don't think it needs to be in kdelibs at all. Also what I 
would like to finish is the grammar checking framework, but I'd like to 
have kspell2 accommodated well before that happens. 

Technically we could put the gui files in the kspell2 directory but that 
would mean apps have to link to it explicitly which I'm not too keen 


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