Fw: firewall (iptables) interfere with sycoca/kio-file

Otto Kekäläinen otto at sange.fi
Wed Sep 24 15:33:07 BST 2003

I had a very strange problem but I manged to solve it after a week of
testing different things. Now I'm sharing my experience.

 The problem was that when starting KDE the "Initializing system
services"-stage took _very_ long (maybe 5 minutes). While running in KDE
everything that had to do with file management was also incredibly slow.
Everything worked right, but loading took forever. A "ps xa" showed that
when the tasks that took forewer was "kdeinit: kdesktop" and "kdeinit:
kio_file ...".

After doing may things (installing a fresh linux with new kernel) I finally
found the problem. Apparently the firewall rules of iptables that I used
were too strict, and it slowed (but no stopped) KDE's function. Problem was
solved by letting all lo-device traffic go freely. So check your firewall
rules if you KDE does not work well...

 Otto Kekäläinen

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