little reminder on the 3.2 release schedule

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at
Tue Sep 16 09:24:51 BST 2003

On Tuesday 16 September 2003 09:53, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> I agree that if you read the release plan with one eye blind, you can read
> out of it, that you can commit features til one day before the release
> candidate, but I guess I expected some common sense in reading it. E.g.
> when the documentation is frozen in week 40, how does it make sense to
> commit new features in week 44?

Document features before implementation is finished? That's not too uncommon.

> But exactly to iron out misunderstandings like this, I wrote the mail NOW
> and not in october :)

Then you should also clarify the release plan on the web. Currently it's 
confusing. E.g. it says "Monday November 3rd, 2003: i18n string freeze" in 
the text and "Week 40: i18n string freeze" in the table (week 40 is end of 

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at>

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