
Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Tue Oct 14 22:44:09 BST 2003

On Tuesday 14 October 2003 16:41, Marc Mutz wrote:
> I'm talking about
> <!DOCTYPE features SYSTEM "kde-features.dtd" [
>   <!ENTITY marcmutz '<responsible name="Marc Mutz"
>                                   email="mutz at kde.org"/>'>
>   <!ENTITY coolo '<responsible name="Stphan Kulow"
>                                email="coolo at kde.org"/>'>
>   <!-- ... -->
> ]>
> and then
> s/<responsible name="Stephan Kulow" [^>]*>/&coolo;/g;
> Would be nice for consistency and faster typing. :-)

I already talked to Mario who has written the PHP script a while ago 
about a similar feature and he said that he would implement it. The 
idea was slighlty different, instead of adding entities allowing to 
write "<responsible id="coolo"/> and expanding the ids from the 
accounts file from kde-common to full names and email addresses. I 
don't know what the better solution would be as I'm not really an XML 

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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