RFC: Removal of KAutoConfig / KAutoConfigDialog

Benjamin Meyer ben at meyerhome.net
Thu Nov 13 03:25:42 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 12 November 2003 10:02 pm, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 November 2003 09:24 pm, Benjamin Meyer wrote:
> > > In essence: you might as well port to KConfigXT, not add
> > > dependencies to depracated classes.
> >
> > No.  I will simply not commit all the work I have done once head opens
> > again. I'll let you and everyone port them yourselves sense what I have
> > done is "just a waste of time" and you wouldn't want it anyway.
> >
> > And your welcome for all of the work I have done so far.
> See i dont like that reasoning one bit.  you are generating more work for
> others.

Move app Foo to KConfig_XT = 10 hours
Move app Foo to KAutoConfig = 9 hours

Total work that you have to do if I port to KAutoConfig = 1 hour
Total work that you have to do if I do squat = 10 hour.

How is it that I am generating MORE work for others?

>  I think its nice you came up with a neat idea, but sorry it didnt sell.

What do you mean it didn't sell, taking a peek over at KConfig_XT's code I see 
a bunch of it.  Good enough for me.  Nothing lasts, there is only iterations, 
heck in three years KConfig will probably be completely re-written with the 
knowledge that we have gained.

- -Benjamin Meyer

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