KSplash/ML donation?

Mosfet dan.duley at verizon.net
Sat Mar 8 17:44:21 GMT 2003

Okay, my last email was pretty harsh too ;-)

The problem as I am seeing it is the only responses I got were 2 negative ones 
that were pretty insulting from core developers. I'm not encouraged by this 
and if this is the attitude people are going to have when I try to do 
something in coordination with them it's obviously not going to work.

I've discussed the theme manager idea to some extent on kde-usability. My 
basic approach was that it is never used because it doesn't handle C++ window 
manager and widget styles, and that the configuration for included items 
doesn't exist. Splash screens are another example of missing parts. All these 
need to be integrated, (in the case of C++ styles the RPM or tarball would 
install their own themerc files). As far as configuration goes it needs to 
provide easy access to the KControl modules used to further configure items 
included in the theme. This is quite different from my theme designer.

As for CVS accounts, I never asked for one. My plan was to do it myself and 
submit it for comments and possible inclusion in CVS. 

On Saturday 08 March 2003 11:29 am, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> On Samstag, 8. März 2003 15:20, Mosfet wrote:
> > Not sure exactly how you expect me to reply to this email...
> I'm sorry if that has been a bit too harsh, it certainly wasn't meant to be
> preventing anything. You just have to see that we all had this unpleasent
> experience with KDE and you for the KDE 2.2 release IIRC when you left the
> project because of those issues that I noted. And you had a brand new ooh
> theme manager that was already working and we never saw even one line of
> code.
> That resulted in that it prevented people from writing one because they
> thought you'd do that. We ended up in the situation where we are now. Still
> noone cared about it but the subject comes up again.
> If you want to be part of the community you're very welcome. Everyone is
> delighted by your ideas that you share and your commitment to KDE that
> never changed despite of you leaving the project and we're thankful for
> that IMHO. So, if you want to get your CVS account back I'd be more than
> willing to support that.
> We just have to work out *real* plans that result in *real* code which can
> be included in the 3.2 release. That's the only thing I'm concerned about.
> Nothing more. Please go ahead if you want to come in again, like I said,
> I'd be more than willing to support you getting your CVS account back, but
> we should be aware on both sides that when you left it was for reasons. I
> don't want such a situation to come up again under any circumstances as it
> will give us the same bad press if that will happen.
> If we can agree on real work like we used to do in the early days and
> really do the job, fine.  If you don't think you've got the time or the
> energy to write a thememanager that is complete, then you could also serve
> as a coordinator that just directs people on how to do it the way you think
> it should be done, that's also fine.
> Regards,
> Ralf
> > On Saturday 08 March 2003 2:21 am, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > ...snip...
> >
> > > Hi Mosfet et alii,
> > >
> > > didn't receive anything yet - did that go under somewhere ? Mosfet, I
> > > remember that you were working on a thememanager ever since, but one
> > > thing that noone ever saw was some working code and design guidelines
> > > :-) I wouldn't have a problem if you'd pick up your work at KDE again
> > > and take this thing into your hands with the promise that we don't
> > > possibly run into legal issues with mimicing user interfaces and that
> > > we aren't forced to decide about adding untested code too shortly
> > > before a release
> > >
> > > :-)
> > >
> > > Ralf
> > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Fredrik

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