moving kdenonbeta/librss to kdenetwork/librss

Frerich Raabe frerich.raabe at
Mon Jun 9 04:08:59 BST 2003

On Monday 09 June 2003 05:03, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday 08 June 2003 09:15 pm, Frerich Raabe wrote:
> > On Monday 09 June 2003 03:05, Tobias Koenig wrote:
> > > I use the librss, which handels RSS/RDF files, from kdenonbeta for
> > > a new newsticker plugin in kontact. This lib is stable as far as I can
> > > see and maintained by frerich.
> > > So are there any objections concerning moving it to kdenetwork?

> > I remember that Ian has something in his pipe ("DCOP RSS") which uses
> > librss as well though, maybe kdenetwork is inconvenient for him and he
> > has a better place in mind?

> Im all for DCOP RSS being moved to kdenetwork.  Ferich, how far is it away
> from being ready in your opinion?  Have we worked out all of the issues on
> searching with syndic8?  Can we live without those while we port KNT and
> Kontact to it?

I have no idea about Kontact's requirements, but right now the DCOP RSS 
service is not up to KNewsTicker's needs. In particular, browsing the 
existing feeds takes very very long (try the feedbrowser testcase). AFAICS, 
the service works well for programs which already know which services they 
(might) have to query though.

How mature the DCOP RSS thing is, is an independant question though. If you 
are ok with having librss in kdenetwork, and nobody voices objections, then 
we can move librss to kdenetwork, have Tobias' Kontact plugin use it, and 
decide whether to make KNT use librss or DCOP RSS or a crystal ball which 
reports tomorrow's news.

> The advantage of dcoprss over plain librss is that if you are running KNT,
> and Kontact at once, maby along with the RSS sidebar, you might tick off a
> network admin reloading the same RSS file 3+ times in a row.  DCOP RSS
> provides a central way to search/manage and update RSS feeds and will keep
> server load down.

Darn, I was just about to get the hang of slashdotting slashdot. :^)

- Frerich

"Irgendwie haben die Leute das mit der Meinungsfreiheit falsch verstanden,
man darf eine Meinung haben, man muss nicht. Wenn man keine Ahnung hat,
einfach mal Fresse halten."

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