Looking for collaboration on KDEPrint rewrite

Michael Goffioul goffioul at imec.be
Fri Jan 3 10:13:21 GMT 2003

Hi all,

For quite a while now, I'm thinking about a complete rewrite of the
core/backend part of KDEPrint, which would be based on the KIO
technology. However, I'm missing some time and good knowledge/experience
with KIO. I already built some kind of framework, but I'm looking for
someone who would be interested to collaborate with me. This means,
studying the relevance of such changes, designing the framework,
and implementing it. No specific knowledge of printing systems is
actually required, this is more about architectural stuffs.


Michael Goffioul		IMEC-DESICS-MIRA
e-mail: goffioul at imec.be	(Mixed-Signal and RF Applications)
Tel:    +32/16/28-8510		Kapeldreef, 75
Fax:    +32/16/28-1515		3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM
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