Kopete in kdenetwork

Daniel Stone dstone at kde.org
Tue Feb 25 22:17:49 GMT 2003

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 06:11:53AM -0800, Neil Stevens scrawled:
> On Tuesday February 25, 2003 02:02, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> > On Tuesday 25 February 2003 02:44, Daniel Stone wrote:
> > > Will. He. Put. KExtendedSocket. Code. In. Psi's. Upstream. Tarball?
> >
> > #ifdef?
> Actually, the answer is that he's not planning to make tarballs.  He's 
> simply going to make the common Jabber code use some abstract classes.  
> Psi will ship with the Jabber code plus his Qt-based implementations.  For 
> Light Hawk and Kopete, Till and I will have to make and release an xmpp 
> library that includes KDE-based implementations.

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Daniel Stone 	     <daniel at raging.dropbear.id.au>             <dstone at kde.org>
Developer - http://kopete.kde.org, http://www.kde.org
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