khotkeys in kcontrol

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Dec 24 19:26:06 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 22 December 2003 03:52, Lubos Lunak wrote:
> On Sunday 21 of December 2003 05:16, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > hi...
> >
> > i just noticed that khotkeys puts it control panel in the Components
> > group. it should be in the Regional & Accessability group ...
>  Should it?

seeing as that's where the keyboard shortcuts and keyboard layout is, yes. the 
Components area is supposed to be for actual components, not configuring 
individual apps. the file manager and performance panels bend/break that 
concept, but that's no reason to make it worse? ;-)

> triggers, otherwise the name should be even 2 times longer. KHotKeys is not
> only about hot keys, and if I understand the difference between a hotkey
> and a shortcut, it has never been. It's about assigning actions to
> triggers.

yeah, and that's challenge: a short descriptive name that's accurate =) since 
KHotKeys has been referred to by name in various articles, sticking to 
something similar to that would be good. but keeping it as KHotKeys in the 
control panel breaks with general naming scheme, so i'd prefer Hot Keys.

another option is to pull it from the Control Center altogether and provide a 
different means to access it. 

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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