Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at kde.org
Sat Dec 6 11:04:36 GMT 2003
Hash: SHA1
On Saturday 06 December 2003 03:10, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> > 2) proper hiding of the main window when clicking on the systray icon in
> > certain situations. the comment in the code even references "LeftButton",
> > but in the code it was "MidButton". oops. i've had this one laying around
> > on my hard disk for a long while and apparently completely forgot about
> > it. =/
> I wondered myself why what used to work with left button now shows the main
> window
well... the patch as i posted it doesn't revert that part of the new
behaviour, though i agree it should. as it stands, those without middle mouse
buttons can't get to the main mixer window. i don't know how many people will
try middle clicking on it, and it is a deviation from how it was in previous
releases. i know that the slider-on-left-click was done based on user
requests, and i haven't heard of any complaints about it....
i also just noticed that the "don't keep showing the volume slider when you
click a second time on the systray icon" logic doesn't work properly. i'll
put together another patch that fixes this and restores the mouse button
mappings to the way they were in 3.1...
one improvement that could be made in a future relase is adding a button to
the volume slider that shows the main mixer window.
- --
Aaron J. Seigo
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