kmix maintanence - please direct bugreports to me

Stephan Kulow coolo at
Wed Apr 23 21:15:33 BST 2003

Am Wednesday 23 April 2003 23:08 schrieb Hetz Ben Hamo:
> > I am in the process of cleaning all the minor stuff and preparing for
> > bigger stuff, for example multiple mixer devices with ALSA driver are now
> > supported (yeah). Next thing is layout change - mixer names will be
> > placed vertically besides sliders.
> I would like to ad a small idea that's bugging me for quite a while.
> I'm using few computers at work and some at home with those "multimedia"
> keyboards - you know, those with volume keys, etc - is there a way to make
> those keys work with kmix to increase/decrease the volume through some
> calls? (dcop calls?). I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to use those
> keys for this...
You can define those keys to be F13-F25 (a bit playing with xev + xmodmap)
and then use kmenuedit to call some scripts that call dcop kmix Mixer0 

Greetings, Stephan

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