Quanta within KDE 3.1

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Wed Nov 6 11:46:19 GMT 2002

On Mit, 06 Nov 2002, Thomas Diehl wrote:

> Well, the translators asked over and over about the status of Quanta on 
> kde-i18n-doc (which is read by the Release Coordinator and several other core 
> developers), I also forwarded at least one of these mails to Eric Laffoon but 
> never got an answer or any indication that Quanta would be in the 3.1 
> release. 

FYI I had a short discussion with Eric and we agreed that if he wants it to 
be announced with KDE 3.1 he should drop me a note. 

Well, he didn't contact me for RC1 so I partly forgot about it and partly 
thought that it will be released at a later point, but yesterday I was 
contacted so I uploaded a Quanta tarballs. 

I understand that the translation problem is big. I think in cause coolo 
didn't do it already we can include the quanta cvs module into the regular 
translation message merging script. I guess there will be a KDE 3.1.1 / 
Quanta 3.1.1 in time for including all the translations. 

Dirk (received 965 mails today)

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