App duplication again (Re: new project in kdemultimedia)

Neil Stevens neil at
Sat May 4 19:59:52 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday May 04, 2002 11:49, Thomas Diehl wrote:
> Am Samstag, 4. Mai 2002 19:07 schrieb Neil Stevens:
> > No, we aren't talking about duplicates.  It's not two copies of the
> > same app.  See the earlier CD Bake Oven vs KreateCD arguments for
> > proof of that.
> Bake Oven and KreateCD are mostly frontends to the same programs. From
> a user perspective, they just differ in the "looks" you seemed to
> despise so much -- at least where translations are concerned. But each
> of them could surely be brought to fit the needs of different target
> groups.

So be it.  The only question, then, is who loses?  The people who liked 
KreateCD's UI, or CD Bake Oven's UI.

I sure hope the CD Bake Oven people lose, so I don't have to fork out 
KreateCD's splendid UI.

> Anyway, since the devs of both programs seem to start cooperating I'm
> pretty happy now. Just hope it really works out that way -- and will
> continue to do so in the future.

I hope the merging fails, so that users don't lose their preferred UIs.
- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding
because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they
have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher
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