Constructive feedback from Eugenia

David Faure david at
Fri Jul 12 11:29:06 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 12 July 2002 12:26, Rolf Magnus wrote:
> On Friday 12 July 2002 03:14, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> > Surprisingly we already do this, what confused me though is that if there
> > is only one application (KPackage in my test case), we show
> > 	"Open With..."
> > 	"KPackage"
> >
> > But if there are two applications it becomes:
> > 	"Open With >"
> > 		"KWrite"
> > 		"Kompare"
> > 		---------
> > 		"Other"
> >
> > I think such self-changing menu is confusing.

The point was to give faster access to the options. Having a submenu with a 
single item looks stupid.
Is anyone really getting confused by this or is this a theoretical point?

> Especially, the first part is missing something important.

> > Also, note that the
> > "KPackage" in the case above is redundant since the "Open in New Window"
> > option (Currently named "Open" here on my desktop, yay!) does the same.

Well, the idea was:
* Either you just want to open the file, you don't know about the application behind
it and you don't care -> LMB, or "Open" [in new window]
* Or you know you want to open it in a specific application, and then you go looking
for the associated applications. But the default app should be in that list, otherwise
it will definitely be confusing!

> But wouldn't that be just the self-changing menu you're talking about? And you 
> don't know that "Open" will open it in KPackage. I'd just expect all apps 
> that can open a file to be listed there, even if there is only one. It's just 
> more consistant.


> > Anyway, I think it would be better to always have the menu the same, so
> > that the first case would look like:
> > 	"Open With >"
> > 		"KPackage"
> > 		---------
> > 		"Other"
> >
> > I'm not sure how the "Open With" section should look like if there is no
> > application listed at all. Strictly speaking you wouldn't need it at all
> > then, because the "Open" option would act as "Open With" already anyway.
> Maybe let them act the same. I think it's not a good idea to remove "Open 
> With" completely in this case, but 
>  	"Open With >"
>  		---------
>  		"Other"
> Also looks kind of stupid, even without the separator. So probably, both 
> "Open" and "Open With" should directly open the selction dialog.
> > In the case of kdesktop, the "Open" option (previously "Open In New
> > Window") could also be named "Open with <appname>" but I'm not sure if that
> > extra information is helpfull or distracting.
> Maybe just "Open (<appname>)", so there is a hint about which app is default. 
> I don't think it's distracting.

I think it is. See the previous post from someone who wanted a simple "Open" option ;)

> > Should the "Open With >" submenu be located directly under the "Open"
> > option?
> Yes.

No objections to changing order, either. 

Anyway - this starts to be a kde-usability topic, doesn't it? ;)

- -- 
David FAURE, david at, faure at
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