Severe thumbnail problems

Troels Tolstrup troels at
Sun Dec 22 00:01:45 GMT 2002

On Lørdag den 21. december 2002 22:10, George Staikos wrote:
>    Yes it should not try to start artsd.  I don't know how it's
> happening, and it happens on my laptop.  I'll try to attach gdb next
> time I boot it up to see where it is.  The fact that I sometimes have
> 10 artsd processes is really a problem though.

I don't know if this is related, but it sounds like it could be.

Do you have the xine-libs artsplugin compiled? When i did i experienced 
lockups very often when using konqueror, with artsd hanging using 100% 
cpu time and konqueror being totally dead. The system would continue as 
normal once i killed arts. I did suspect it would hang when it was 
generating previews, and turning them off did help, although it would 
still happen randomly once in a while. To me, the xine support seems to 
be highly immature.


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