XML version of feature plan

Tim Jansen tim at tjansen.de
Wed Dec 4 20:57:46 GMT 2002

On Wednesday 04 December 2002 21:13, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> So you are basically proposing to also generate the jobs page from the
> features xml file? 

At least this is the part that would interest me. For example the password 
registry/KWallet is a feature that I would really like to have, and it is in 
the red section of the TODO list since the 3.0 feature plan. I know the 
(incomplete) code that is in the repository, but I don't know whether I can 
do anything to change it. Are the people still working on it? Is there 
unreleased code? Is there something that I can do?

It would also be interesting to have a more specific status. For example I do 
have code for some of the points of the TODO list, but haven't committed it 
for various reasons. 

On the other hand, this stuff only works if the developers bother enough to 
maintain the TODO list, and I am no sure whether enough people would. It is 
also important that it is easy to change the status (IMHO one of the reasons 
why the job page isnt used).


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