Weird crash with QProgressDialog: Qt bug?

Michael Goffioul goffioul at
Mon Aug 12 08:56:00 BST 2002

> On Friday 09 August 2002 05:48, Michael Goffioul wrote:
> > I encountered a weird crash when dealing with a QProgressDialog in
> > KDEPrint, and I think it might be due to a Qt bug. Before reporting it
> > to TT, I'd like to have an external opinion.
> side question: any reason you aren't using KProgressDialog?

No specific reason, except that QProgressDialog has the features I
need, and that I wasn't aware such a class exist.


Michael Goffioul		IMEC-DESICS-MIRA
e-mail: goffioul at	(Mixed-Signal and RF Applications)
Tel:    +32/16/28-8510		Kapeldreef, 75
Fax:    +32/16/28-1515		3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM

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