Request to check in a new feature to KRegExpEditor.

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Thu Aug 8 22:38:41 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 07 August 2002 08:00, Jesper K. Pedersen wrote:
> Ingo Klöcker <kloecker at> writes:
> | You should have added it. You could have simply moved it to the
> | feature list of KDE 3.2 if you wouldn't have finished it in time
> | for KDE 3.1.
> Should I follow your idea here, then I should for the future just add
> something very vague to the plan, something that I could always just
> postpone. And for heavens sake, ensure that I have anything possible
> I could ever imagine working on.

Of course not. But adding a certain feature to the list which you anyway 
intended to implement when you have the time isn't something very 

> Is that the idea with the plan? Of course not. People should not add
> features to the plan that they do not seriously expect to be able to
> finish.

In general this is correct. But in your case you should have 
nevertheless added it because if you had the time (and obviously you 
had the time) you would have implemented it in time (and you did) and 
if you didn't have the time, too bad, better luck with the next 

> | > I therefore ask for permission check it in.
> |
> | No exceptions are made. For no one. Sorry.
> I fell really sorry about this, the features are done.
> I understand and accept the feature plan very much, but as I see it,
> you are here enforcing the word of the plan rather than the spirit of
> the plan?

I'm enforcing the spirit of the plan as I understand it. You are not the 
only one who asked for permission to add a new feature although it's 
not on the feature list (but IIRC you are the only one who presents a 
finished patch). If we make an exception for you, then others will 
claim the same right for themselves. And this will render the feature 
plan useless.

But I'm not the release dude. Eventually, Dirk has to make the decision.


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