Things needed (was: Re: Do we really need Korn ?)

Cristian Tibirna tibirna at
Sat Apr 27 15:37:12 BST 2002

On Saturday, 27 April 2002 09:18, Ralf Nolden wrote:

> *slam* I FOUND IT, I FOUND IT!!!!  (that's probably because that dialog is
> so tiny it's hard to figure that out after being used to configuration
> dialogs popping up that are bigger than my screen :))


> Import kmail settings into Korn and vice versa ?

Yup, you're right. This is what I was thinking. While perhaps 95% of Linux 
users _have_ a mailbox in /var/mail, having a button that says "Import kmail 
spooling settings" or something would be very nice indeed. (/me appends to 


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