Fwd: Re: Application duplication (was: Re: cdbakeoven)

Christoph Cullmann crossfire at babylon2k.de
Sun Apr 21 09:54:47 BST 2002

On Sunday 21 April 2002 02:14, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> On Saturday 20 April 2002 04:43 pm, Matthias Welwarsky wrote:
> > > I'm inclined to think that we should move kate and konsole (any
> > > others?) out of kdebase then. (And into kdeutils or so)
> >
> > mhm, base alone (especially without konsole) would be barely useable,
> > don't you think?
> It gives you a functional desktop. That's about it. Then you can add
> applications on top of that.
> > Or is this a joke I don't understand?
> No.
> When I try to explain what KDE is to people I always tell them that KDE is
> three things:
> 1) KDE is an application framework.
> 2) KDE is a desktop, e.g. the window manager, panel, desktop background
> 3) KDE is a large number of consistent applications.
> If you keep that in mind and then look at CVS you see that kdelibs
> implements 1), kdebase implements 2) and the other modules together with
> 3rd party apps are responsible for 3).

My thoughts about my prefererred KDE module list ;)

- plain libs + interfaces, nothing else

- the most common IO slaves, as they are very essential for third party apps, 
which would not need kdebase (for example kmail would than only depend on 
kdelibs + kdeioslaves + kdeparts and not kdebase, or ?)

- most common kparts (khtml part, konsole part, kate part, ...), could be in 
kdelibs, too, but if we get more important parts, kdelibs would grow even if 
not really everybody needs these parts for development of kde apps (as they 
are more a runtime than a link time thingy, as long as the common interfaces 
are in the libs)

- kwin, kicker, kdesktop, kdm, kcontrol, just the sceleton of the desktop 
environment (like Waldo wanted), no other apps (which means move konsole, 
kate, kaddressbook, konqueror and some others to the matching kdeutils, 
kdenetwork, .... modules)

- app modules for other "kde" apps grouped by task

just my ideas ;)

> Cheers,
> Waldo

Christoph "Crossfire" Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at kde.org

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