Go button in Konqueror hidden by ">>"

Carsten Pfeiffer carpdjih at sp.zrz.tu-berlin.de
Thu Apr 18 10:03:50 BST 2002

On Thursday 18 April 2002 05:27, John Firebaugh wrote:

> I don't see this effect. The sizeHint() of the comboBox is indeed larger
> than the actual width it gets, but that is not a bug. On my system, with

That is done on purpose. KonqCombo deliberately sets a sizepolicy to not 
enlarge the combobox when a huge string is inserted into it. Otherwise, the 
combo (and with it the toolbar and the entire konq-window) would become very 
large occasionally (imagine those online-shopping urls...).

sizeHint() returns the size it would like to have to show the entire string 

Carsten Pfeiffer

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