Fundraising in KDE

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at
Mon Sep 28 19:28:57 BST 2020

Vincent Pinon skreiv 27.09.2020 21:36:
> The tiny team can't answer these requests on spare time (or it takes 
> years). No one is ready to abandon their job, finding a good person to 
> hire seems not easy, maybe contracting a consultant would be a 
> solution... But then how to gather the funds? As KDE eV can't allocate 
> money to a specific project (if I understand correctly), we would need 
> to create a new structure: none of us is interested in this kind of 
> paperworks and risks associated (having read about Krita Fundations 
> difficulties few years back)...

You might want to consider applying to be a member of the Software 
Freedom Conservancy (SFC). They handle the paperwork for you:

This is not unprecedented for KDE projects; in 2009, the Amarok project 
joined the SFC (but it seems that they are no longer a member):

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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