Ilmari Lauhakangas ilmari.lauhakangas at libreoffice.org
Tue Feb 27 13:38:57 GMT 2018

On 27.02.2018 14:43, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 13:30:12 CET Paul Brown wrote:
>> Is it true that users get confused by the bugtracking system? If so, this is
>> an issue, right?
> Well, users can get confused by _everything_. Though I probably have more
> absolutely non-technical users reporting bugs than most other KDE projects. I
> haven't seen many signs of users being confused by UNCONFIRMED vs CONFIRMED,
> though.
> I'm all for making the initial reporting of bugs as smooth as possible for
> users... Though really, I don't need any more bug reports. And after that,
> giving me more information when I ask for it, that would be useful as well.
> * It would be useful if users could embed images and videos instead of
> creating attachments.
> * It would be useful if users could use rich text in their reports.
I brought this up before, but dealing with occasional confused edits is 
made easy by scripting. Here is a link to LibreOffice's 
bugzillaChecker.py script, to the part which checks for self-confirmed 

I am CC'ing Ben Cooksley, who might consider adapting the script(s) to 
KDE's BZ. Here is the directory with all of them: 
I just talked with Xisco about the scripts and he said he would write a 
README explaining them.

Ideally there would be a group of active triagers looking at the script 


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