Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Privacy Software

Martin Flöser mgraesslin at
Sat Aug 19 10:49:41 BST 2017

Am 2017-08-18 18:14, schrieb Sebastian Kügler:

> So, I could use some help with this, in the form of how this can be
> structured, in what form it will be useful, more ambitious, and very
> importantly measurable: I want us to be able to sit down in two years
> and check: Are we on track? Do we need to change our approach? Do we
> need to work harder? And of course: Did we achieve our goal?
> Your thoughts and input?

I like this idea. Personally I would suggest to combine it with a strive 
for security. IMHO we cannot be privacy aware if we have huge security 
issues which allow to get to the users passwords. This would include for 
example switching to Wayland by default (security and X are just two 
things which don't go well together).

On the measuring part I agree that it's difficult. I would suggest to 
come up with a list of tasks which we need to implement and then check 
how many of these are implemented in a time frame.


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