Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Privacy Software

Volker Krause vkrause at
Sat Aug 19 12:37:54 BST 2017

On Friday, 18 August 2017 18:14:22 CEST Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> So, I could use some help with this, in the form of how this can be
> structured, in what form it will be useful, more ambitious, and very
> importantly measurable: I want us to be able to sit down in two years
> and check: Are we on track? Do we need to change our approach? Do we
> need to work harder? And of course: Did we achieve our goal?
> Your thoughts and input?

Obviously an idea I can support :)

I have been looking a bit into how to verify the leak and transport encryption 
aspects. Using something like
tools/ as a low-impact long-term recording and adding a decent 
filter/aggregation tool for the result should allow us to also find rare 
short-lived TCP connections and pin them on the responsible application.

Port numbers provided by this give a first hint on transport encryption, but 
I'm still hoping for something better to verify this automatically and with a 
lower impact than a long running Wireshark session.

Another aspect to check might be if we are still storing sensitive information 
like passwords outside of KWallet.

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