[kde-community] Updating TechBase Getting_Started pages

John Layt jlayt at kde.org
Mon Aug 17 19:19:06 BST 2015

On 17 August 2015 at 17:57, Alex Merry <alex.merry at kde.org> wrote:

> The general equivalent of this page is
> https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved
> - it gives an overview of the areas you can get involved in, and links to
> pages with more detail about how to get involved in that way.
> I think it makes a nice jumping-off point, and is good for emphasising that
> writing code is far from the be-all-and-end-all of KDE.
> It's very much a community involvement page, though, and techbase needs an
> equivalent whose selection is more along the lines of "I want to write code
> /
> I want to use the Frameworks in my own project / I want to deploy KDE
> software
> to 20 000 computers". The "how to build our software" is just one part of
> that.
> Co-ordinating the "development" track on the community wiki and the "build /
> send in patches" track on the techbase wiki is going to take some thought,
> though.

You mean like https://techbase.kde.org/Contribute? :-) It may help to
have standard names for these sorts of matching pages.

But yes, ideally we would have an overall design to follow, complete
with personas for target audience, then lock down the pages so no-one
can dilute the message (while leaving it open enough to edit as things


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