[kde-china] 回复: About the Qt Phono
星期日 七月 6 10:00:28 CEST 2008
On Sunday 06 July 2008 00:34:14 Liang Qi wrote:
> Phonon就是一个框架,可以理解为中间层
> http://doc.trolltech.com/4.4/phonon-overview.html
> Qt uses the Phonon multimedia framework to provide functionality for
> playback of the most common multimedia formats.The media can be read
> from files or streamed over a network, using a QURL to a file.
> http://phonon.kde.org/cms/1020
> Phonon wants to fill in the gap and provide a multimedia API for KDE
> developers while at the same time giving the users more choices. With
> Phonon applications don't need to develop sound engines as Phonon
> provides them for free. Applications are written saying what they want
> and not how they want to do it. This leaves some room for the
> user/administrator to customize things.
> If you need multimedia functionality in your program, Phonon is for
> you. Use it from simple audio playback to full blown video playback
> with audio and video effects. Use it to record an audio signal or
> capture from a webcam. Use it to concentrate on your program and not
> on getting the mediaframework to work for you.
> 至于Phonon下面是什么,完全可以自己去实现。
> 齐亮
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