[kde-china] 回复: About the Qt Phono

Liang Qi cavendish.qi在gmail.com
星期六 七月 5 18:34:14 CEST 2008


Qt uses the Phonon multimedia framework to provide functionality for
playback of the most common multimedia formats.The media can be read
from files or streamed over a network, using a QURL to a file.

Phonon wants to fill in the gap and provide a multimedia API for KDE
developers while at the same time giving the users more choices. With
Phonon applications don't need to develop sound engines as Phonon
provides them for free. Applications are written saying what they want
and not how they want to do it. This leaves some room for the
user/administrator to customize things.

If you need multimedia functionality in your program, Phonon is for
you. Use it from simple audio playback to full blown video playback
with audio and video effects. Use it to record an audio signal or
capture from a webcam. Use it to concentrate on your program and not
on getting the mediaframework to work for you.



2008/7/5 Chung <feenow at gmail.com>:
> 那phonon-xine算什么东东?
> phonon-gstreamer又是啥东东?
> 还有 http://code.google.com/p/phonon-vlc-mplayer/ 这个又是啥东东?
> 那么 bellagio 是否也像xine和gstreamer一样功能的东东?

> phonon以我自己的理解,它像是一个中间层吧?.给QT程序提供一个标准统一的API..后端的引擎可以是xine或gstreamer或其它引擎....Linux下的kde4默认用的就是phonon
> xine.........
> 还是你想做一个像phonon一样的东西? 还是做一个像 phonon xine这样东东?
> 如果是前者,那么是重造车轮..如果是后者.那么可以参考我上面说的那几个东东的代码.

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