SuperBuild needs kdesdk scripts first

Valentin Rusu kde at
Wed Aug 24 22:02:51 UTC 2011

On 08/24/2011 11:42 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> On Wednesday 24 August 2011, Valentin Rusu wrote:
>> However, it won't build as this line also needs makeobj.
> What is makeobj and where do we use/need it ?
Well, I'm afraid I'm not more knowledgeable than you :-)
However, here is it's header:

# this is a script around make which basicly checks
# if it's in srcdir or in builddir and changes to
# the right directory for calling /usr/bin/make
# (C) Stephan Kulow

# Variable replacement code by Allen Winter <allen.winter at>
# Copyright (c) 2011 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
<info at>

# You may need to set OBJ_REPLACEMENT variable to get it to work.
# In the variable use the sed syntax to switch directories, for example
# export OBJ_REPLACEMENT="s:/home/zack/cvs/kde:/home/zack/build:"
# will assure that the builds are performed under /home/zack/build
# directory, when the cvs is held under /home/zack/cvs/kde.

# Variables:
#  %BRANCH% with the name of the Git or SVN branch you are in (as
#  %GITBRANCH% with the name of the Git branch you are in (empty if not
in a Git branch)
#  %SVNBRANCH% with the name of the SVN branch you are in (empty if not
in an SVN branch)
#  %CC% with the basename of your C compiler set in $CC (gcc if empty)
#  %CXX% with the basename of your C++ compiler set in $CXX (g++ if empty)
#  %ARCH% with the machine architecture (i.e. 'uname -m')
#  %OS% with the operating system name (i.e. 'uname -o'), in lower-case
without "GNU"

It currently lives here:

Valentin Rusu (IRC valir, KDE vrusu)
KSecretsService (former KSecretService, KWallet replacement)

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