
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Nov 27 10:53:53 CET 2009

On 27.11.09 10:20:20, Sebastian Trueg wrote:
> I really dont get this CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH thing. The documentation on it
> is nearly not existing

Its documented along the find_path/find_file/find_library/find_program
commands in man cmake. Basically its like PATH for finding executable,
cmake will search in each dir in the variable and expect it to be a
"standard" /usr layout under that (i.e. <prefix>/include for headers,
<prefix>/lib for libs and <prefix>/bin for apps).

> and it I set it to the prefix where the
> ontologies are installed (and nothing else), the following code will
> find it:
>   nie/nie.trig
>   PATH_SUFFIXES share/ontology
> )
> So where am I going wrong here?

Oh, seems I overlooked this in man cmake (thats the most comprehensive docs
on cmake)

| 1. Search paths specified in cmake-specific cache variables.  These are
| intended to be used on the command line with
|               a -DVAR=value.  This can be skipped if NO_CMAKE_PATH is
| passed.
|                  <prefix>/include for each <prefix> in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
|                  CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH
|                  CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH

So the "right" thing would be:

        PATH_SUFFIXES share/ontology )

You don't need to pass CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH as PATHS option, it'll always be


Don't plan any hasty moves.  You'll be evicted soon anyway.

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