[Kde-bindings] Getting started with qyoto?

David Lechner david at lechnology.com
Tue Feb 12 19:06:31 UTC 2013

On 2/12/2013 10:54 AM, Peter Hultqvist wrote:

Here are my notes on how I muddled through the tutorial. I'll add them 
at the end. First, some answers to some of your questions. Hopefully the 
notes answer the rest.


> So the cmake-gui command is run from within the (currently) smokegen
> directory.
It does not matter what directory you are in when you start cmake-gui

> So what are the source and build directories?
I use /home/username/src/smokegen for source and 
/home/username/obj/smokegen for build.

/home/username/src is where I ran the git clone... command.
/home/username/obj/... does not have to exist yet. It will be created by 

> Help: how should I go back the dialog and change from ninja?
In cmake-gui, File > Delete Cache


Building Qyoto on LinuxWe build the Qyoto library from the latest sources.
$ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/smokegen
$ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/smokeqt
$ git clone git://anongit.kde.org/assemblygen

We dowload the sources from the git repositories.
$ sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui libqt4-dev build-essential
We install the cmake-qt-gui and other packages if not present.

We build each three packages in the following order: 1) smokegen, 2) 
smokeqt and 3) assemblygen. We run the cmake-gui in each of the three 
directories. We specify the source, the build directory

me: recommend using separate build (obj) dir from source dir

  and set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Release.

me: if you click configure without setting CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE, it will 
automatically add it to the list and you just have to fill it in then 
click configure again. Also, when you click configure, it asks which 
generator to use. Select 'Unix Makefiles'

me: when configuring smokeqt, disable (uncheck) WITH_Phonon, 
WITH_QImageBlitz, WITH_QScintilla, WITH_Qwt5 options.

me: installing assemblygen partially fails to install assemblies because 
they are not signed. First, run
for file in $(ls bin/*.dll); do sn -R $file 
../../dev/assemblygen/assemblies/key.snk; done
and then sudo make install

  We click on the Configure and the Generate buttons, close cmake-gui. 
Change directory to the build directory. Run make and sudo make install.

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/qt4/lib

me: not sure if setting this environment variable is necessary
Before building the smokeqt package, we set an environment variable. 
After each build, we run the sudo ldconfig command.
$ ls /usr/lib/mono/qyoto
qyoto-qtcore.dll  qyoto-qtsvg.dll
qtscript.dll      qyoto-qtgui.dll      qyoto-qtuitools.dll
qttest.dll        qyoto-qtnetwork.dll  qyoto-qtwebkit.dll
qtuitools.dll     qyoto-qtopengl.dll   qyoto-qtxml.dll
qtwebkit.dll      qyoto-qtscript.dll   qyoto-qtxmlpatterns.dll
qyoto-phonon.dll  qyoto-qtsql.dll

We have the Qyoto dlls in the /usr/lib/mono/qyoto directory.

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